Hospital Based Rotavirus & Intussusception Surveillance (HBRIS)

The objectives of this surveillance are to estimate the proportion of diarrhea hospitalization among children less than 5 years of age, which are attributable to rotavirus, to describe the predominant strain of rotavirus throughout Bangladesh, to determine the age, region and seasonal distribution of hospitalizations associated with rotavirus in the population under surveillance and to estimate the frequency of hospitalization associated with intussusception among children less than 2 years of age in surveillance hospitals. According to case definition data and samples are collected from the hospitals and sent to central level for analysis and laboratory test on a periodic basis. The results will be shared with all the study collaborators and stakeholders.

​'​ Hospital-Based Surveillance for Rotavirus Gastroenteritis among Young Children in Bangladesh: Defining the Potential Impact of a Rotavirus Vaccine Program​'​ Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2016 Oct 25. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 27798545

Epidemiology of childhood intussusception in Bangladesh: Findings from an active national hospital based surveillance system, 2012–2016

Rota Surveillance Monitoring System